Filing Summary On August 14th, 2024, a complete transcript of phase one of the NRA’s trial was posted on the docket. NRA Trial Phase 2 Transcript can be found here.
Filing Summary This copy of the National Rifle Association’s Bylaws is dated May 18, 2024. Docket number 3550.
Filing Summary A document titled “EVP Candidate Submissions (As of April 26, 2024)” identifies the following individuals as having been mentioned or considered as a replacement for Wayne LaPierre: Andrew Arulanandam, Larry Keane [“expressed interest to Carol Frampton; mentioned by John Sigler”], Doug Hamlin, Trey Gowdy, Kristi Noem [“self-recommendation”], Mike Huckabee, Reince Priebus, Charles Cotton, […]
Filing Summary In 2024, an investigation was initiated into board member Marion Hammer. This “Executive Summary for the Audit Committee” details Hammer’s dealings with the NRA, and steps that Chief Compliance Officer Bob Mensinger took to “assess Hammer’s latest statements and recommend further action as appropriate.” The summary reads in part: “Hammer appeared to use […]
Filing Summary This exhibit features reports from the NRA’s January 2024 board meeting, including the minutes from the executive session of the meeting (p.1), remarks from then-Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre (p.11), the report of the Audit Committee (p.13), and the report of the Finance Committee (p.23). This board meeting occurred immediately before the beginning […]
Filing Summary This copy of the National Rifle Association’s Audit Committee Executive Session Minutes are unsigned by then-Chairman Charles Cotton and labeled “draft.” The meeting took place in April 2024 at the Dallas office of their NRA outside attorney Brewer, Attorneys, & Counselors. At the meeting, Cotton “requested an update regarding [then-NRA Director of Advancement] […]
Filing Summary The NRA’s Audit Committee met at the group’s headquarters on June 19, 2024. In addition to committee members and various NRA staff, five individuals representing the NRA’s outside law firm Brewer, Attorneys, & Counselors were present, including Bill Brewer himself. According to the minutes, a majority of the meeting was spent in executive […]
Filing Summary The NRA’s Audit Committee met at the group’s headquarters on June 19, 2024. In addition to committee members and various NRA staff, five individuals representing the NRA’s outside law firm Brewer, Attorneys, & Counselors were present, including Bill Brewer himself. According to the minutes, a majority of the meeting was spent in executive […]
Filing Summary This 93 page transcript covers the proceedings of the NRA’s Members Meeting at the NRA Annual Meeting on May 18, 2024. Docket number 3444.
Filing Summary On March 19, 2024, the NRA’s Executive Vice President Search Committee, tasked with finding a replacement for Wayne LaPierre, provided their first interim progress update to the board. The committee provided another update in May 2024. Docket number 3436.