Trial Exhibit: June 2024 Audit Committee Minutes
Filing Summary
The NRA’s Audit Committee met at the group’s headquarters on June 19, 2024. In addition to committee members and various NRA staff, five individuals representing the NRA’s outside law firm Brewer, Attorneys, & Counselors were present, including Bill Brewer himself. According to the minutes, a majority of the meeting was spent in executive session, the minutes of which can be found here. Before adjourning, the committee “discussed an update on Tyler Schropp’s private inurement matter from January 2016 to September 2018.” (p. 2) The committee also “discussed the organization’s leased-vehicle program, which has historically entailed an option by NRA employees to purchase the leased vehicle at a market price determined by the NRA.” The committee decided “modify the leaded-vehicle program to not allow the resales of any leased vehicle from the organization.” (p.2) Docket number 3483.