Under Wild Skies v. NRA

Case Summary

Under Wild Skies, Inc. (“UWS”) produced the hunting television series Under Wild Skies for several years pursuant to a contract with the NRA.  However, in mid-2019, and at the same time the NRA begin its litigation campaign against Ackerman McQueen, UWS alleges that the NRA started skipping payments to UWS.

UWS brought a lawsuit in Virginia (Fairfax County) alleging four causes of action: (1) Breach of Advertising Contract, (2) Breach of Sponsorship Contract, (3) Anticipatory Repudiation of Advertising Agreement, and (4) Anticipatory Repudiation of Sponsorship Agreement. The complaint seeks $17.1 million in damages from the NRA.  The UWS filings contain several illuminating facts about the NRA’s relationship with UWS, including that UWS paid for several NRA executives (including NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre) to participate in televised hunts in the United States, Botswana, Tanzania, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Argentina, and Uruguay, among other countries.

The filings on this page are a selection of the more significant filings in the matter.  The full docket can be accessed at the Fairfax County Clerk’s Office.   

Under Wild Skies Sues NRA for $17.1 Million in Damages


September 11, 2019
Initial Complaint alleging contract breaches and $17 million in damages
November 8, 2019
UWS files an amended complaint in the litigation
December 20, 2019
Reference to a Wayne & Susan LaPierre elephant hunt in UWS Answer