DC Attorney General Investigation

Scheduling Order in DC AG Litigation Against the NRA and NRA Foundation

December 28, 2020

Filing Summary

After rejecting the NRA and NRA Foundation’s motions to dismiss the action, D.C. Superior Court Judge Jose M. Lopez issued a scheduling order in the Attorney General’s litigation against the NRA and NRA Foundation.

The schedule directs fact discovery in the matter to be completed by May 4, 2021 and expert discovery to be completed by July 22, 2021. This puts the case on track for a late-2021 or early-2022 trial.

The DCAG’s initial complaint contains causes of action against the defendants NRA and NRA Foundation, including that the NRA Foundation exceeded and abused the authority of the charity, and that the Foundation acted contrary to the non-profit purpose of the NRA Foundation. The DCAG alleges that the NRA controlled the Board of Directors of the NRA Foundation and caused the Foundation to undertake actions not in the best interest of the NRA Foundation. The crux of the allegations by the DCAG are that “in recent years, the NRA has experienced financial problems related, in large part, to low membership and the NRA’s decision to continue to waste funds on improper, lavish spending. To plug holes caused by its own poor management, the NRA turned to the Foundation’s funds.”