New York Attorney General Investigation

Reply Memorandum of Law by OAG

October 30, 2019

Filing Summary

The OAG makes several legal arguments in response to the NRA as to why the NRA should not be permitted to pre-review documents before production by Ackerman.

Key Points

  • The OAG argues that the NRA is “attempting to interfere with the OAG’s enforcement function by converting privately-contracted non-disclosure agreements … into a set of virtual eyes and ears in OAG’s offices as the OAG conducts its investigation.” (Pg. 4.)
  • According to the OAG, the NRA seeks to “reserve to itself the right to know who the OAG subpoenas during the investigation, what documents the subpoenaed party proposed to produce [to] the OAG, and the right to determine for itself whether its involvement in the review of subpoena compliance is intrusive to the investigation.” (Pg. 13 fn. 2.)
  • The OAG criticizes at least one of the NRA’s privilege logs for “fail[ing] to comply with even the most fundamental requirements of such a log” because it “does not clearly identify the author, recipient, subject matter and privilege asserted for each allegedly privileged document.” (Pg. 15.)