Trial Exhibit: June 2024 Audit Committee Executive Session Minutes
Filing Summary
The NRA’s Audit Committee met at the group’s headquarters on June 19, 2024. In addition to committee members and various NRA staff, five individuals representing the NRA’s outside law firm Brewer, Attorneys, & Counselors were present, including Bill Brewer himself. According to the minutes, a majority of the meeting was spent in executive session. Various items were discussed by the committee, including but not limited to:
- The committee “discussed potential litigation involving Marion Hammer with regard to the NRA’s termination of a previous consulting contract,” and “directed the Chief Compliance Officer Bob Mensinger to continue his ongoing investigation” into Hammer. (p.1)
- The “private inurement matter of Executive Director of Advancement, Tyler Schropp” was discussed, and the committee directed Sonya Rowling to look further into Schropp’s activities from 2014 to 2016. (p.1)
- The committee also spoke about “the matter of private inurement (and/or excess benefits) that were identified in the 2023 calendar year and the need to be disclosed on the organizations 2023 Form 990.” (p.2)
- Later, “Bob Mensinger apprised the committee about an ongoing compliance investigation concerning conduct surrounding Board elections.” Mensinger explained that “Bob Barr disclosed a communication from a director, Bruce Widener, that appeared to propose an improper quid-pro-quo influencing the NRA’s elections: if Barr wielded influence to ensure Widener’s re-election, Widener would forbear from publicizing allegations about a firearm discharge that occurred at Widener’s residence 22 years ago.” After seeking “legal advice from Bill Brewer regarding this conduct,” the committee directed “Mensinger to complete his review and refer the issue to the Ethics Committee.” (p.3-4)
- Mensinger told the committee later that “there were four whistleblower reports,” but that “investigations found no violation of law or internal policy, and the matters were closed.” Aside from these, he reported three additional matters that were reported to him:
- “Quid pro quo regarding Board members Bruce Widener and Bob Barr.”
- “Sexual harassment claim at the Wittington [sic] Center. This claim was investigated. Mr. Mensinger identified no evidence suggesting that sexual harassment occurred.”
- “Mr. Mensinger investigated a concern that an NRA field operations staff member” had “improperly retained or borrowed some firearms for personal use,” and he “found this claim to be valid, at which time the employment of the staff member was terminated.” (p.4) Docket number 3482.