August 15, 2019 Letter to North’s Counsel from NRA (Exhibit 6 to 8/16 MOL)
Filing Summary
The NRA does not object to most of the 65 documents that Oliver North’s counsel intends to produce for the OAG’s investigation. The NRA claims additional redactions to nine documents and asks that one be withheld entirely.
Key Points
- The NRA concedes that 50 of the 65 documents that North’s counsel intends to produce to the OAG do not require more redactions than those made by North’s counsel. (Pg. 2.)
- The NRA provides for additional redactions to nine documents and asks that one be withheld entirely. (Pg. 2.)
- The NRA’s privilege log redacts information relating to, among other things: (1) a March 2019 memo from outside counsel (Morgan Lewis) to the NRA providing legal analysis; (2) the terms of at least one, but likely several confidential settlement agreements between the NRA and third parties that include nondisclosure provisions; and (3) other legal advice provided by counsel to the NRA. (Pgs. 3–10.)
- The letter cautions North’s counsel that “some documents reveal sensitive information, for example information tending to reveal identifies of employees who expressed concerns over certain issues.” (Pg. 11.) Because of that concern, the letter asks North’s counsel to include a request to the OAG to keep the documents confidential and to provide notice to the NRA whenever a third party requests the documents. (Pg. 11.)