Highlights from the United States Senate

Senate Finance Committee Minority Report: ‘The NRA and Russia: How a Tax-Exempt Organization Became a Foreign Asset’

The Senate Finance Committee released a minority staff report, “The NRA and Russia: How a Tax-Exempt Organization Became a Foreign Asset.” The report, initiated at the request of Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden (D-OR), was an 18-month investigation into the NRA’s relationship with Russia and potential violations of U.S. tax and sanctions laws. 

The report concludes that the “use of [the] NRA’s tax-exempt funds and resources in this manner raise concerns about the use of tax-exempt resources for a non-exempt purpose, private inurement… and prohibited excess benefit transactions.” To that end, in April 2019, Everytown filed a complaint about the NRA’s tax-exempt status with the IRS, and called for federal and state investigations into the NRA’s operation as a tax-exempt organization.