Deposition of Andrew Arulanandam
On October 2, 2019, NRA Spokesperson Andrew Arulanandam sat for a deposition in the NRA’s litigation with their former vendor Ackerman McQueen. That deposition transcript was made public in a July 6, 2021 filing by Ackerman. NRA Watch reviewed the transcript and highlighted some testimony of note below.
Key Points
- Arulanandam testified that he has flown on a private plane with Wayne LaPierre “a few times.” (p. 12)
- Despite Wayne LaPierre being Arulanandam’s only boss (p. 29) and a more than 20 year work history together (p. 14), Arulanandam testified that LaPierre has never sent an email “personally directed” at him.
- Arulanandam testified that the truth is important and that he “generally speak[s] the truth.” (p. 81) He also admitted that he had limited abilities to investigate matters he speaks on, stating: “I’m not an investigator. I don’t have resources to investigate.” (p.114)
- Arulanandam testified that he had never reviewed Brewer Law firm fees, even though he has dealt with press inquiries about the matter. Rather, Arulanandam stated that he relied on Craig Spray and John Frazer to review the bills, and then relay the information back to him. Arulanandam testified that Spray and Frazer told him “that [the bills] are detailed. I believe that one or both of them may have mentioned that they have never seen that level of detail in any of the invoices that the NRA has — receives.” (p.187-188)
- When asked whether he was aware that the NRA is claiming $40 million worth of damages in their case against Ackerman McQueen, Arulanandam claimed he “had forgotten the amount.” He went on to explain that “there have been a number of lawsuits” and that he was unsure what amount was attached to which lawsuit. (p. 192)